Colour maps

Common elements

Colour maps are specified using the <se:RasterSymbolizer> tag. The latter must contain a <se:ColorMap> tag as well as an optional opacity transform. Within the colour map there must be one of three functions defining it either by a list of thresholds, a list of interpolation points, or a palette. Each colour map requires one variable.

Tag name Type of contents Default value Description
<se:ColorMap> XML element Must be specified Must contain the function defining the colour map

Thresholds (SE compliant)

A colour map can be defined by a list of thresholds within the <se:Categorize> function. The lists of thresholds and values should be in interleaved to be compliant with SE as in the following example:

        <se:Categorize fallbackValue="#00000000">

The above example is compliant with SE. Note that the opacity transform must be flat for this to be the case.

Interpolation (SE compliant)

A colour map can be defined by a list of interpolation points within the <se:Interpolate> function. The colour values will be interpolated linearly between the data points. For example:

        <se:Interpolate fallbackValue="#FF006400">

The above example is compliant with SE. Note that the opacity transform must be flat for this to be the case.

Segment and named palettes

A colour map can be defined by a named palette of list of colours comprising a palette within the <resc:Segment> function. For example:

        <resc:Segment fallbackValue="#FF006400">

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